Breaking Up with Fear
Sometimes we allow ourselves to go down the path of thinking about the worst possible outcome because, somehow, we think it helps to prepare
Anxiety Busters, Part Two
There is a moment in every crazy cycle of anxiety where we have a choice to get off the cycle. As with any habit, it’s easier to create a ne
Anxiety Busters
The peace of God ruling and reigning in your life as a believer on the Lord Jesus Christ may be the single most important ally you have in a
Who Do You Say That I Am?
I was encouraging others to be in the Word and to discover their worth in Christ, but I realized that I wasn’t doing the same. I began to di
Let's Connect.
How many times have you been at a corporate meeting for ministers and found yourself saying "we really should get together soon",...
I’ll be honest: this book was deeply convicting to me. Like most middle-class Americans, I am guilty of always wanting more – a better car,
Sanctuary Summer Book Club
Sometimes I just don’t want to do what everyone else is doing. However, my husband read it first, and then our staff at church. They all con
Perfectly Weak
I like real stories. I want paragraphs to draw me in to someone's world, taking me on a journey from point A to point B. While we striv
Finding a New Song to Sing
My entire life I have been known as “the girl who sings”. Even though I have struggled with my weight my entire life, I had a strong confide
Freedom After Betrayal
Statistics tell us that 50% of pastors regularly look at pornography. Which means around half of ministry wives are living with a lack of se