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Let's Grow | the blog

Dezra Freeman
Feb 5, 20205 min read
The Long African Lesson
I didn’t grow up wanting to be a missionary. There, I said it. I had never felt called to Africa. There, I said that, too. They say confessi

Jan 27, 20201 min read
Let's Retreat 2020
Sanctuary Let's Retreats are currently held annually and are designed with the wives of full-time ministers in mind. Each multi-night...

Casey Graves
Jan 22, 20204 min read
Wrapped in Truth
In our own thoughts and feelings, we are easily derailed and our effectiveness and purpose are taken out. It is significant that the first p

Casey Graves
Jan 16, 20204 min read
Dreams & Steps of Faith
We teach people that they are uniquely gifted by God and to use those gifts. I am here to remind that you are, too. He has equipped you and

Casey Graves
Jan 9, 20205 min read
Scary New Things
I have learned there is no shame in sharing your story of weakness when it points to God’s strength lifting you up out of the pit, and comin

Casey Gibbons
Dec 4, 20193 min read
Freedom in Your Calling
I was less than a week away from my wedding day when my fiancé tied the notorious marriage ball and chain to my ankle. He nonchalantly state

Lindsay Dryer
Nov 27, 20195 min read
My First Disciples
My kids can know all the right Bible answers and have excellent behavior in public (ha! It’s funny even to type it!), but if they don’t know

Casey Gibbons
Nov 20, 20193 min read
When the PK Is Struggling
What should you do when you are succeeding as a leader in your church but your own son or daughter isn’t thriving? In the past 20 years of m

Casey Gibbons
Nov 13, 20194 min read
The Divine Calling of Ministry Mamas
...if you are a MINISTRY MAMA and you feel that your husband has upfront leadership and a divine calling, but you are left sitting on the cu

Nov 6, 20192 min read
Let's Retreat 2019
With a heart to connect ministry wives and a desire to provide them with a weekend to unwind, rest, receive ministry, and connect, the Sanct

Natalie Morris
Nov 6, 20194 min read
Diary of a Preacher's Kid
Growing up with parents who were ministers didn’t feel much different than most of my friends. I felt like we were pretty normal. Normal for

Oct 26, 20192 min read
The Not-So-New Concept
Sanctuary launched the concept of Let's Connect three years ago. But the concept isn't new. It's built upon what once came natur

Lindsay Dryer
Oct 23, 20194 min read
Creating Time to Abide
Life gets really full and really busy, and sometimes it feels like you can’t add one more thing. But today, I challenge you to add more thin

Liz Smith
Oct 16, 20197 min read
Searching for Sabbath
As our family grew from just the two of us to a party of seven, and our jobs in church ministry grew, our Sabbath turned into just a day off

Oct 9, 20192 min read
Going from Good to Best
As ministry wives, we may continually feel like we are stretched beyond the limits of our own sanity at times. And it is because of this str

Ashley Simmons
Oct 9, 20195 min read
The Lie of Self-Sufficiency
This is easy for ANY driven person to fall into. It didn’t feel like sin; it actually felt like being a good steward of all God had blessed

Sheila Harper
Oct 2, 20195 min read
What's a Sabbath?
As Christians, we hold the Ten Commandments as precious to us. Many of us can recite these life-giving boundaries or, if we think about them

Bridgette Tomlin
Sep 25, 20195 min read
A Snapshot of Faith
It's truly amazing how, when in a season of 'mountain-top ministry', you can vaguely recall the devastating experiences of '

Martha Fouts
Sep 18, 20195 min read
Too Tired to Rebound
If you’re doing ministry right, you are pouring your heart and soul into other people. You are being real and vulnerable. But, there’s a dow

Mike Buie
Sep 11, 20196 min read
Overcoming Disappointment
Our character is not tested in the great spectacular successes of life. Our character is tested in the daily irritations.
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