let's redefine Sanctuary.
a ministry for ministry wives

Let's Retreat.
Sanctuary Let's Retreats are currently held annually and are designed for women who are married and in full-time vocational ministry. Each multi-night retreat features sessions of teaching, prayer, and relationship building, as well as time for pampering, rest, and relaxation. Its reduced rate makes this oasis affordable to each invited guest.
Let's Connect.
Let's Connects are casual gatherings designed to connect ministry wives who serve within the same region to one another across the table. They are hosted by ministry wives, for ministry wives, and take place once per quarter.
Additionally, we offer virtual Let's Connect groups for women whose minister husbands have passed away and for ministry wives who are parenting children with special needs.
Let's Grow.
The role of a ministry wife is one that can be very isolating, lonely, fulfilling, stressful, misunderstood, invigorating, and then some! Few can relate to all that the title requires. Let's dig deep into God's Word and draw closer to one another to learn how to continually grow in to what He needs us to be and do.
Let's Talk.
Let's Talk with Sanctuary is a podcast designed for women in ministry. Through this platform Sanctuary's endeavoring to open the conversation with off-limits topics, share some love, laughter, and encouragement, and inspire more authentic conversation among ministry wives.
Discover Sanctuary.
Sanctuary is designed for women who are married and in some form of vocational ministry. The word sanctuary is defined as "a place of refuge or safety". Many ministry wives are desperate to find a haven, a place of healing. Others simply need rest. Many are needing connection and reassurance. And still others are craving fulfillment in ministry, but are coming up emptyhanded where they are planted alongside their husbands.
Here at Sanctuary you'll find our attempt at providing a solution to the diverse needs in the lives of ministry wives--a lifestyle with which few can identify unless she's lived it!