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A Better You

Happy New Year! Regardless of whether your 2016 was award-winning for 'Best Year Ever' or even 'Shortest Year', 'Worst Year', or 'Year of the Bizarre', we all have the rich reward of a fresh year of life just ahead. You are undoubtedly taking stock of what worked and what didn't. You may be considering what 2017 has in store, for your own life, your family, your ministry, your community, your nation, and ultimately, the world. The onslaught of guilt trips, motivational speeches and blogs, daytime talk show features, and magazine centerfolds are in full attack mode to help each of us make the next year the best one.

But what does that really look like? And what will it require? Does being your BEST self seem completely overwhelming all at once? What if you could purpose to only make one better choice this year? What would it be?

Join us throughout the month of January, beginning, January 9, as we launch our new series, A Better You. Odds are, you did the best you could do...last year. So now you get another opportunity to improve on last year's best choices and outlive the lesser-than-great choices. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Paul said, after he wrote some difficult things to the believers at Philippi, "Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me." (Phil 3:12)

In other words, Paul was encouraging his followers, "Listen, even I don't get it right every single time. But I'm getting there and pressing, pushing myself even harder, in order to show you the right way."

There's a better you just on the other side of a better choice each day.

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